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Enterprise performance management (EPM, CPM)
Comprehensive strategic, financial, budgetary and operational planning;
Collection of operational information on the execution of plans;
Monitoring and analysis of plan execution;
Profitability management;
The system enterprise performance management (Enterprise Performance Management или Corporate Performance Management – a set of interconnected applications that implement the concept of quality improvement management of activities based on the simultaneous use of strategic management tools., tactical and operational planning and budgeting, consolidation, analysis and monitoring.
Fast closing of the financial period.
The system the EPM class allows you to produce:
The main advantage of class systems An EPM is a link between all plan indicators in a single hierarchy, which allows you to track the relationship between the organization's strategic goals. (enterprises) and key planned indicators. This allows you to convert strategies to plans and track them implementation of plans and effectiveness of strategy implementation.

Also, using the system EPM it is possible to create an effective system for maintaining balanced indicators of the organization and implement the application of methods for maintaining separate accounting of income and expenses in the areas of activity organizations.
Comprehensive strategic, financial, budgetary and operational planning;
Opportunity creating and tracking relationships between strategic goals and planned indicators;
Opportunity formation of a financial model of activity an organization that is linked to strategic goals;
Involvement of all employees of the organization in the process of achieving strategic goals;
Achievement of the required level level of detail of planned indicators
Main effects associated with the implementation of EPM systems:
Reduced time for collecting and consolidating reports;
Increased availability management information - information support decision-making;
activities of various departments due to the unity and transparency of plans and strategies;
Introduction of a unified corporate classification of information.
Risk management systems
Risk management system is designed for to solve the following tasks:
Maintaining risk registers with indication of activities;
Collecting risk data by entering information by users or automatically downloading it from external information systems;
In addition to the main tasks described above, the System allows you to:
Use the corporate register of possible risks that is available to you. from the Customer, as standard reference information for work The system;
Create flexible business processes (business models) for risk management and monitor their implementation;
Risk analysis using various techniques, using flexible Analytics tools;
One of the important functions of the organization's management is the operational accounting, analysis and assessment of risks, as well as the planning of activities to prevent the occurrence and eliminate the consequences of the occurrence of risks. As an effective tool for building a risk management process, modern organizations use specialized information systems for such tasks.
Automate the functions of obtaining information about risks for accounting, both by entering information by users, and from external information systems;
Create libraries instructions for minimizing risks and action plans in case of occurrence of risks;
Determine the occurrence of risks, the degree of risks and the rules for responding to them;
Produce perform complex analytical calculations and generate reports that meet various internal, state , and international standards.
Building analytical and statistical reports based on the data taken into account in the system;
Building a risk map and planning activities to eliminate the consequences of risks.
Monitor the receipt of information about risks in the online mode «on-line»;
Different risk groups can be considered in the System:
Financial risks: investment risks; market risks; credit risks; misstatement of financial statements (intentionally due to fraudulent actions, or due to errors) , etc.;
Project risks: violation of deadlines, budgets, quality; penalties, etc.;
Production risks: violation of the production cycle, defects, low-quality components , etc.;
Risks violations of legal requirements, standards, and internal policies: compliance standards ISO, labor law requirements, legislation of the Russian Federation environmental protection, etc.;
Information risks: unauthorized access to the system; lost time benefits as a result system crashes; theft of intellectual property, customer information, etc .
Enterprise resource planning system (ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning)
It is one of the main tools for supporting decision-making by the organization's management, which allows collecting and consolidating all types of information. In addition, this component can be a tool for assessing and analyzing the state and competitiveness of the company organizations.
Management accounting.
Main book
Calculations with customers;
Calculations with suppliers;
Asset management;
Enterprise resource planning system (ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning) it is a set of software applications and combines the following tools: manage most of the key processes in any organization (businesses). On the one hand ERP automates activities employees in planning, budgeting, logistics, accounting, human resources management , production management, etc., and on the other hand, allows top management to get a comprehensive picture of the company's activities organizations, what it does ERP is an essential operating system automation tool support for making current and strategic management decisions.
It is an integrated application package that allows you to increase efficiency financial management thanks to a well-developed system of financial accounting, reporting and forecasting cash flows.
Cash management;
Financial analysis;
Treasury Department;
Inter -branch accounting.
Financial management.
Financial management includes the following modules:
It is one of the main tools for supporting decision-making by the organization's management, which allows collecting and consolidating all types of information. In addition, this component can be a tool for assessing and analyzing the state and competitiveness of the company organizations.
Allows you to manage production resources, organize planning and monitoring of the production process, management of work orders and orders, maintenance of production documentation, product quality management , maintenance and repair management, analysis of planned and actual production indicators.
Production management.
It is a process optimization tool enterprise project management at all stages its implementation (planning, execution, analysis). Using the component will allow you to monitor and analyze project costs, manage project resources, and improve the efficiency and profitability of projects.
Рroject Management.
Is used to store information for all components ERP systems.
Unified database.
Personnel records and personnel management
automation of HR accounting functions in the following areas: ensuring personal accounting and completeness of information about employees, taking into account the current labor legislation states;
Appointment The system:
HR records management at all stages of work with personnel;
Maintaining information on each individual employee;
Internal security service it includes basic functions for working with personnel information, supplemented by specialized functions for recording information related to the work of security services;
Vacation planning and accounting;
The main goal of the system is to optimize the organization's human resource management.
Cash management;
Financial analysis;
Preparation reporting, including reporting for the Agency for civil service Affairs;
Maintaining a report card;
Personnel management.
Different risk groups can be considered in the System:
The system can be applied as in private organizations, and in government agencies with any number of employees: from small organizations, the number of 20 or more employees, up to large geographically distributed organizations/government agencies with centralized personnel accounting.
Scope of application The system
Automation of the planning and HR system;
Interact with others information systems in the subject area of the system.
Accounting and financial services (ERP system, 1C Accounting);
Electronic document management;
Hardware control of access to premises;
Hardware control of access to premises.
Possible integration with other business systems:
Basic functionality The system:
Save money working hours;
Increased efficiency human resources management;
Unified data warehouse for personnel information;
Automation of the processes of connecting/disconnecting employees to the organization 's information systems, depending on their status (hired, dismissed, on vacation, on sick leave, etc.
Implementing the system allows you to achieve the following effects:
Reducing the share of paper, routine work;
Reliability of personnel information;
Reducing the number of documents stored in HR departments;
Efficiency obtaining personnel certificates, statistical and reporting forms;
Ensuring the reliability of personnel information;
Improving the quality of work by organizing prompt access to personnel information;
Features Systems ready for modernization and expansion, integration with related systems as the system evolves;
Ability to quickly generate various personnel reports;
Prompt access to employees ' personal files;
The system maintaining personnel records and personnel management
One-time user registration (Single Sign On);
A corporate portal has three main features:
Unified centralized secure access of employees to all information resources of the organization , taking into account the division of rights;
A one-time registration that extends to to all your organization's apps;
Connection of analytical systems, output of regulated and analytical reports;
Creating a single document repository and ensuring working with it ( document libraries, marketing services, etc.). materials, descriptions of corporate procedures, forms and templates of documents);
Corporate account A web portal is a single system. access point to diverse information resources and applications of the organization (businesses) in a single personalized the web space.
End -to-end search, both on the portal pages and on the content of stored documents;
Save money employees ' working time spent searching for the necessary information and documents.
Creating a corporate portal provides:
The goal of creating a corporate portal is to increase efficiency and efficiency providing the organization's employees with the necessary information, regardless of the time and place.
Modular structure (Portlets, Web Parts, etc.);
Personal setup appearance and information content (personalization).
Display of personnel information (view organizational structure, employee information (position, address information , etc.);
Organization of forums for discussion of professional and organizational issues;
Reducing the time required for new employees to adapt;
Centralized administration and management of the portal;
Integration with external systems;
Connecting external web services;
Creation of sets web sites on a single portal platform;
Enabling the content of external websites;
Enabling news services RSS sources.
Ensuring dynamic inclusion of new automated information systems of the organization that are being implemented;
Ability to access via mobile devices;
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